miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

10 good reasons to visit Peru

Peru is a diverse country full of ancient wealth, rich in tourist destinations. You can find many things to do in the day: from a walk to the historic center to cross Lake Titicaca in "Caballitos de Totora" reeds boats . Ecotourism practice while Peruvians eat the best dishes, all at unimaginable prices. Tourists are always received with great affection, friendly atittude and peruvians make them feel at home.

Below you can find 10 reasons to visit Peru:

1. One of the most biodiverse countries in the world:
It is one of the countries with more diversity of natural resources in the world. The Peruvian flora has given the world the greatest variety of plants. The country retains many nature reserves such as Ballestas Islands in Ica and the National Park of Manu in the Peruvian jungle.
Ballestas Islands

2. The exquisite Peruvian cuisine
Eating in Peru is feeling aromas and flavors to enjoy, meet fabulous and exotic ingredients. With its species, animals, fruits, vegetables and fish originating in the country, enjoy a Peruvian dish is a unique experience.
Stuffed hot peppers with Potatoe Casserole

3. Its geography is unique
The country has a variety regions with great diversity of landscapes. The coast has full sun and long beaches. The Highlands displays a large territory and the forest has a wonderful overgrown jungle, exotic and wild.
Peru divison in Coast, Highlands and Jungle
4. It retains an old story
Peru has a rich and ancient culture. There are many archaeological sites to visit such as ancient ruins, colonial churches, valleys and landscapes, thermal baths, historic sites, pre-Inca and Inca sites, the Uros floating city and Aboriginal communities and native species.
Lord of Sipan Tomb

5. The historic sanctuary of Machu Picchu
It is a World Heritage Site, now called Historic Sanctuary, as part of the Sacred Valley. Considered one of the new 7 wonders of the world, is located in Cuzco. There are several ways to get there: By train, bus or by the ancient Inca path.
Machu Picchu

6. Mix and variety of cultures
Each culture has its own characteristics that make them unique, in the coast, mountains or jungle. Each village has its own customs, rules, typical clothes, music and food.
Colca Valley

7. Peruvian Ecotourism
There are an infinite variety of sports that can be practiced because the geographical nature encourages tourists to climb mountains, sailing, conduct tours, make the route of the Inca in Cuzco, crossing the Andes, navigate the Amazon River, paddle in "caballitos de totora" reeds boats on Lake Titicaca in Puno, mountain biking, practice paragliding in Costa Verde, surfing beaches and more.
Amazon Jungle

8. Cultural events and excursions
Some of the  most frequented places are the "peñas folckoricas" where you can enjoy peruvian typical dances and food, craft fairs and fiestas patronales.There are also groups of Spanish rock and salsa outdoors or chamber music at no cost.
Typical dances

9. The kindness and hospitality of the Peruvian People
When a tourist arrives to Peru is treated with kindness. Peruvian people make you feel welcome and comfortable. Especially people from the mountains and the jungle are very hospitable and many people keep their doors open wide.

Local people of Uros Island

10. A variety of accommodations and affordable prices
You can find plenty of places to stay, from youth shelters, backpackers hostels to luxury hotels in Lima. Public transport is accessible. On the other hand, there is diversity of shops, craft fairs, markets, typical Peruvian clothes or products at low prices.

Larcomar Shopping mall

martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

AMAZON RAINFOREST: New 7 wonders of nature

The new 7 wonders of nature for 2012 have been officially announced by the New Seven Wonders of Nature Foundation, in Zurich, Switzerland.

The 7 new wonders were chosen, by the vote results on the official site. Every year the foundation selects 7 new places voted by the public, and those become the new 7 wonders of nature.
The "Amazon Rainforest" was recognized as "1 of the new 7 Wonders of the natural world". 
65% of Peru is Amazon and boasts 36 protected natural Areas. The Amazon river contains the 5th part of fresh water on the planet!

The Amazon Rainforest has a rich biodiversity. It contains a huge collection of living plants and animal species in the world. Some of this species have not been discovered yet, considering that the rainforest is dense and still not fully explore.

The best way to see the amazon rainforest is by river, with a professional tour guide, where you should only visit friendly native villages and see how they live. All while you explore your surroundings in a never ending quest to find something undiscovered.

Come to Peru and visit the Amazon jungle, the incredible Rainforest in waiting for you.

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Conociendo Pacasmayo!!

Salimos de Lima el jueves por la noche. Esta vez el viaje lo hicimos con la empresa Cial, igual como siempre, segundo piso y en asientos panorámicos.

Llegando a Pacasmayo

Llegamos al terminal con tiempo. Este terminal está ubicado a la espalda de la torre del banco Interbank, cerca de la vía expresa.

La salida del bus fue alrededor de las 9.30pm y el viaje estuvo, en términos generales, súper tranquilo. Pasan películas hasta casi medianoche que es cuando ya se bajan las cortinas y se apaga la tele, lo cual indica que ya es hora de dormir.  Dentro del bus te sirven una pequeña "cena", que a mi parecer es suficiente para un viaje de no más de 9 horas. Llegamos a la ciudad de Trujillo el día viernes por la mañana. Antes de dirigirnos hacia nuestro destino final: Pacasmayo, aprovechamos para pasear por la pintoresca ciudad de Trujillo y conocer Huanchaco, otra de las playas con más popularidad dentro del norte del Perú.

Luego de una visita fugaz y obligada por estos puntos, partimos hacia una terminal de buses local y compramos el ticket para nuestra ruta de 1-2 horas hacia Pacasmayo.  Como dato, te puedo decir que es posible llegar a Pacasmayo directo desde Lima en un solo bus. Nosotras escogimos ir sólo hasta Trujillo para hacer estos STOPS antes mencionados.

Una vez en Pacasmayo, buscamos un hotel, nos recomendaron El Duque, así que fuimos, sin tener reserva, y felizmente encontramos lugar. Puedes encontrar habitaciones privadas o compartidas. Nosotras ocupamos una privada por 50 soles la noche.

Malecon de Pacasmayo
Pacasmayo es una playa dedicada al surf. Acá se dirigen muchos chicos y chicas a disfrutar de este fascinante deporte. No te recomiendo esta playa para tomar sol porque es básicamente de piedras, lo cual hace muy dificil e incomodo esta actividad.  Fuera de este pequeño detalle, encuentras muchos lugares para desayunar, comer y cenar,y hasta para compartir un trago- que normalmente es una cerveza- con los amigos.  Es un sitio súper tranquilo y muy facil de hacer amigos rápidamente. Los lugareños son muy amables y siempre tienen una sonrisa en el rostro.

 Eso sí, si lo que estás buscando es party no vas a encontrar mucho. Lo que se suele hacer es reunirse en las áreas de recreación de los hostels y tomar algo, comer algo y escuchar buena música. No hasta muy tarde, claro está, porque ni bien salen los primeros rayos de sol, todos corremos en busca del wetsuit y de unas buenas olas.

Turistas dirigiendose a surfear

Los días en la playa se pasan muy tranquilos y relajados. Fueron 3 días "tratando"de aprender a surfear, descansando y conociendo personas muy amables en todos los lugares donde íbamos.

Si te gusta surfear te recomiendo hacer la, cada vez más famosa, ruta del surf y Pacasmayo debería ser una parada obligada.
Get to know the Vicuñas at the National Reserve of Pampa Galeras (Ayacucho-PERU )

Pampa Galeras National Reserve
The National Reserve of Pampa Galeras is located 3 hours from the city of Nazca and it hosts around 70% of the Vicuñas in  the world. This reserve was established on 1967, but its name was changed to the National Reserve of Pampa Galeras DAchille on 1993 in tribute to the conservationist. It has the characteristic green color of ichu, under an intense blue sky, which was outlined by different types of cactus and hills of stones.

The Vicuña is the smallest of the andean camlids and it fiber has been classified as the finest animal fiber on earth. It is the most representative animal in Pampa Galeras and the purpose of this reserve is to protect them, as the vicuña produces the finest fiber, it is in demand, and for a time was in danger of extinction. Poachers, however, continue to hunt the species, gradually whittling its numbers to 170,000 worldwide, of which 100,000 are found in Perú in areas over 3,800 metres of altitude.

Vicuñas at Pampa Galeras
We can also find small groups of Guanacos, another type of andean camelids which live free in the pampas.
The most impressive bird is the andean condor, we can see the pissacam the kiula and some andean geese as the pato jerga and the pato sutro. You can also find some foxes and cute vizcachas.

Every year from June 22nd to 24th, they celebrate the International Vicuña Festival. One part of this festival consist in the ancestral ritual known as The Chaccu, which is the annual vicuña shearing, practised by the members of the commune of Pampa Galeras National Reserve.
These events are organized by the National Council for South-American Camelids (CONACS), the Lucanas Peasant Community and its district municipality. They aim to enhance the value of the vicuña as a national resource and reassert the peasant customs, values and practices of the High andes communities connected with this fine south-american camelid, with music, dancing and typical dishes, leading up to the central activity of the celebration: The Chaccu (herding, capturing and shearing of the vicuñas).